Youth Dialogue for Strong Civic Spaces

Supporting democratic, inclusive, and engaged societies in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Russia and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals, by focusing on climate, inclusion, and peace.

The project Youth Dialogue for Strong Civic Spaces is implemented by the European Youth Parliament with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office since 2021 in the Eastern Partnership Countries (read more about the context here) and Russia in the frame of the Civil Society Cooperation Programme supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.

The project aims to enable and empower more democratic, inclusive, and engaged societies. By bringing young people together to exchange opinions whilst providing safe spaces for these meaningful encounters, young people are encouraged to act in ways that are democratic and inclusive for both people and the planet.

Some of the main goals of this project are to:

  • Build resilience of the EYP National Committees by creating a safe space for the peer-to-peer exchange of best practices.
  • Highlight the practical application of active citizenship and volunteer engagement values, also through concrete measurement of impact.
  • Form a connected network of the next generation of young leaders, who are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to positively shape society around them.

The project aims to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

  • SDG 10 – Reduce inequality within and among countries. The partners will host local events in regions and rural areas, reach out to youth with fewer opportunities, and create safe(r) spaces.

  • SDG 13 – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. The participants will explore the topic of environmental sustainability, and partners ways to organize project events more sustainably, as well as address the solutions locally and internationally

  • SDG 16 – Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. The project will foster a dialogue on values and understanding through intercultural exchange and mobility. Local events and alumni talks will provide a place for exchange, sense-making, and further possible action to better support youth in the region.

How the project started

Youth Dialogue for Strong Civic Spaces is a 2022 continuation of the project from 2021, which has its roots in the “Building a Strong European Society (BASES)” Project.

During 2015-2021, more than 6,000 young people from Eastern European countries have participated in activities supported by the German Foreign Office. They have contributed to a pluralistic, democratic society and fostered peaceful collaboration across Europe.

Three more countries have joined the project, with EYP National Committees from Poland and France joining as supporting organisations and the start of efforts to build an initiative in Moldova.

The EYP, in cooperation with its National Committees within the Eastern Partnership – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, also Germany and Russia, have already organised numerous parliamentary events and training initiatives throughout 2021.

Events and activities

Youth Dialogue for Strong Civic Spaces continues in 2022 with the objective to contribute to prosperous, democratic communities by empowering the participants and equipping them with knowledge and new skills.

The following events are planned at the international, national, and regional levels all over the EYP network and will have included participants from Eastern Partnership Countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, as well as France, Germany, Poland and Russia. The activities will take place in a hybrid format: some parts of the project are digital-only, others in-person, and sometimes both are combined.

Peaceful Talks

In light of recent developments in Europe, like the crackdown of civil society in Belarus or the Russian war against Ukraine which also impact the EYP network and have induced some internal activities, we want to take our role and use our reach to inform, discuss, and empower young Europeans on their role in creating a peaceful European society at large. For this purpose, the idea of the ‘Peaceful Talks’ series came into place.

Travel grants

Within the project, we are providing young people with opportunities to travel regionally and internationally to experience intercultural exchange. This year, we are specifically focusing on young Ukrainians inside and outside of the country to support them in times of war and hardship that have been brought upon them.

Alumni events

EYP Alumni are at the forefront of political developments in their countries. Some are members of the state Parliaments, some are leading local NGOs or reporting for news outlets, some are organizing civic movements, etc.

This project will connect senior Alumni with the younger participants, enabling them to learn from different experiences. Through a series of digital talks, in-person networking conferences and a 6-month mentorship programme, new connections between generations of young activists from various Eastern countries promoted pluralism and enabled knowledge exchange.

Understanding Europe trainings and crash courses

Crash courses within the Understanding Europe programme provide spaces for knowledge exchange and encourage young people to speak up, discuss and reflect upon their challenges.

Events in 2022

  • Local events:

    • 20-24 July: Gyumri 2022 – National Conference of EYP Armenia
    • 15-17 July: Sighnaghi/Gurjaani Outreach Session 2022
    • 15-16 August: Sustainability in Action of EYP Georgia
    • 23-26 September: Batumi 2022 – Regional Conference of EYP Georgia
    • 20-21 October: Strategic Development Meeting in EYP Moldova
    • 21-25 October: Training Camp of EYP Ukraine in Lviv
    • 22-23 October: #EYPinAction in Mtskheta – Roundtable on Climate Change of EYP Georgia
    • December: Local Outreach events of EYP Azerbaijan in the regions: Tovuz, Shamkir, and Sabirabad
  • Trainings for multipliers:

    • 18-20 March: HR summit in Warsaw, Poland
    • 6-8 May: Presidents’ Meeting in Berlin
    • 1-3 July: Diversity Training in Berlin
    • 18-21 August: Summer Academy in Cork, Ireland
    • 26-30 September: Active Citizenship Lab in Budapest, Hungary
    • 14-16 October: Board of National Committees Meeting in Berlin
    • November-December: Media Workshop with Follow-up Meetings (online)
    • 20-22 January 2023: Ukraine Lab
    • Spring 2023: Training for EYP Trainers
  • Alumni events:

    • March-December: EaP Alumni Talks (online)
    • 24-26 June: EYP 35 Alumni and Member event with Fishbowl discussion on “Peaceful European Society and Impact of Youth” in Berlin
    • July-September: Eastern Partnership Alumni Talks (online)
    • 31 October: EYP Peaceful Talks – The role of educators in peacebuilding (online)
    • July-December: Alumni decentralized reunions
    • September-December: EYP Mentorship Programme
  • Understanding Europe trainings:

    • 19-21 August: Training course for trainers in Dilijan, Armenia
    • 12-13 November: The Local Active Citizenship Lab in Armenia
    • September-October: Understanding Europe Coordinators from Ukraine travelling to trainings


  • Kristine Lomako

    Project manager
    If you have any questions about this project, please reach out to

This project is supported by the German Federal Foreign Office. Further co-funding is provided by the European Parliament, the Youth Department of the Council Of Europe, the King Baudouin Foundation, the Mercator Foundation, and the E.ON Foundation.
