The EYP Presidents’ Summit 2024 is happening in Kraków this weekend!
Hosted by EYP Poland with the support of the International Office of the EYP, the event will take place in Kraków, Poland from 19th – 22nd September 2024.
We are very happy to open the call for volunteers to join us at the International Office in Berlin!
We are now looking for two volunteers who will support the work of the EYP International Office, in the framework of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC), in the following timeframes: (1) from June 2021 until June 2022 and (2) from January 2022 until January 2023, both for a duration of 12 months.
In the role as a volunteer you will work together with a young, dynamic team in the middle of Berlin, supporting our work and enabling the growth and improvement of the EYP’s community of dedicated volunteers. You can check out all details, main tasks and responsibilities as well as your benefits in the detailed description here: EYP_2021_ESC_call for applications.
Please submit your application online by Sunday, March 21st, midnight 23:59 CET, the latest. You can find the application form here.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Helena Nepp at