Read now – The Rebuild Ukraine Ambassadors Vision Paper
"A Sustainable Tomorrow: Youth Visions for Rebuilding Ukraine"
As the new year approaches, we are happy to look back into the achievements of 2018 as well as into the future. For the Power Shifts fund 2018 we have received 18 very competitive applications and were able to support 7 great events happening in 2018 and first half of 2019. Energy-focused sessions in Denmark, Austria, Greece, Ireland, France, Ukraine and Azerbaijan have been awarded the fund for their energy-related activities.
In the upcoming 2019, we are happy to provide support to up to 7 regional, national and international energy-focused events with a total fund of 15.000 EUR. We are opening a call for applications from all EYP National Committees and organising committees.
Events taking place between February 2019 – December 2019 should focus on “Technological Innovation in the Energy sector: from smart grids to carbon-free mobility”. Possible topics could revolve around questions such as: What steps could the EU take to invite innovation in the energy sector in less developed economies? What measures should the EU take to provide an effective support for low-and zero-emission mobility? What regulations should European countries undertake to ensure societal equitability and cyber resilience in the constantly digitalising energy sector? How to decarbonise supply and increase end-use efficiency?
Think out of the box and apply with your innovative Event formats via https://infoeyp.survey.fm/eyp-power-shifts-fund-2019 by 20 December 2018.