The EYP Presidents’ Summit 2024 is happening in Kraków this weekend!
Hosted by EYP Poland with the support of the International Office of the EYP, the event will take place in Kraków, Poland from 19th – 22nd September 2024.
We are proud to announce that EYP flagship events are in safe hands. For the upcoming three international sessions in Warsaw, Nicosia and Milano, the Presidents and the Editors have been selected, completing the session leadership of each event alongside the Head Organisers. Additionally, in order to gain more insight on how each event will be unique led by this selection of devoted EYPers, we have asked them what they will be aiming to accomplish with their respective session.
Warsaw 2020
“Our session theme is ’The Future is Europe’ – but to paraphrase the famous quote by Benjamin Franklin, only if we can keep it! Warsaw will thus be an opportunity to consider what really matters for young people across our continent, and to build a vision for this future together.” – Daniels Griņevičs (LV), President.
“Editing an IS with a vision such as that of Warsaw 2020 offers an unprecedented chance for contributing to the development of EYP Media. Having learnt and experienced a lot throughout the past couple of years in a network based on incentivising active citizenship, we find it only adequate that we give back to the said network, something that Warsaw 2020 offers a perfect opportunity for.” – Kaja Silva Aulik (EE) and Stefan Hadzovic (RS), Editors.
Nicosia 2020
“It is a great honour and pleasure to be a part of Nicosia 2020 – The Edge. For me the Edge is a concept through which we can ground EYP into wider society, and examine how we fit into its cultural, social and political context. The concept I have worked on jointly with the Editors, will create an atmosphere where all participants can push to the edges of what they are capable of and the CMO team can have an impact that is not limited to just own their role.” – Saga Eriksson (FI), President.
“The Edge gives us the opportunity to explore subjects from new angles and gain new insights into emerging problems, pushing our thinking abilities to new limits. Going beyond what has been done. Beyond the limits you set to yourself. Beyond the lines drawn by others. Let us see what our potential becomes when pushed to the edge. Let us take the session beyond the edge of glory” – Jago Lynch (UK) and Matthias Masini (CH), Editors.
Milano 2020
“Through the theme, ‘rethinking today, shaping tomorrow’, we wish for all participants to think critically about sustainability, and about what role they want to play in shaping the world they want to live in, giving them the tools and experience to achieve that”. – Rebecca Smith (FR), President.
“MIlano 2020 has the opportunity to became a platform that challenges the standardized approach of EYP sessions. Therefore, the aim of the Media Team is to capture the profound interpersonal exchanges of all participants through mediums that preserve their memories. However, Media Teams have the opportunity to go beyond, as it is an agent that can alter the experience of participants as the session is occurring. Hence, the Media Team in Milan will actively engage with participants though creative projects that promote a reflective mindset over their influence on their surroundings and the session.” – Iman Slaka (SE), Editor.