October 12, 2023

EYP Summer Academy 2023 took place in the Netherlands

The European Youth Parliament (EYP) invited young Europeans to be a part of its highly anticipated Summer Academy 2023 in the Netherlands on the 15th – 18th of August.

This event gathered over 70 participants from all over Europe, where participants learned, exchanged ideas, and developed strategies to share with their National Committees.

Here are some of the key learnings for the EYP network that emerged during the Academy, that you could try to apply also in your national organisation and projects!

Organising Events with Local Impact 

  • It can be important to involve people from the local community where your event is hosted.
  • Breaking the “EYP Bubble” can help include other perspectives or offer opportunities to people who normally would not have these opportunities.
  • It is usually the longer events that have the time and space to do this, but shorter events can do it as well if they just think creatively.

Sessions innovation & Evaluating feedback

  • We strive for innovative actions aiming to fix something that isn’t working anymore, especially in a post-covid era.
  • Innovative ideas and changes take time and require concrete planning, as the organisational approach comes with new obstacles and challenges!
  • Feedback is the main source of innovation! It should be taken into consideration when changing aspects of sessions.

Delegate outreach and reaching marginalised groups

  • Every National Committee is different! Reflect on the different realities in your NC and see who you feel you need to reach out to.
  • If possible, try incorporating people with specific educational experience into your support and welfare team.
  • Create partnerships with organisations working with marginalised people to encourage cooperation and integration into EYP!


  • We need mutual cooperation, ensuring a safe place for everyone to express their opinions so that the youth can make their ideas heard to drive change.
  • NCs should be collaborating with other youth organisations because it is beneficial for connections to improve the events and recognition!
  • We need to put a strong focus on expanding our barriers to those in a lower socioeconomic background to create stronger links between politicians and the community!

You can find more information about the Summer Academy and in which fields the European Youth Parliament trains youngsters here.

We would also like to express our gratitude to EYP the Netherlands for the fantastic job in organising this event! Check out the official channels of EYP the Netherlands for more.