November 28, 2023

A Journey Through EYP with Opera Singer Gloria Rehm

Interview with Gloria Rehm, an accomplished opera singer, and an alumna of the European Youth Parliament.

In this interview, we have the privilege of delving into the life and experiences of Gloria Rehm, an accomplished opera singer and an alumna of the European Youth Parliament (EYP). Join us as we unravel the story of Gloria Rehm and discover the enduring impact this organisation has on the lives of its alumni.

  1. Can you please introduce yourself? When was your first and last EYP session, and what is your current profession?

My name is Gloria Rehm, I am an opera singer and I have been attending EYP sessions between 2002 and 2005. My first session was an open, local workshop in Potsdam in 2002. We then got hooked and participated in the National Selection in Tübingen in 2003. My last session was the International Session in Potsdam 2007 where I organised the EuroConcert. I guess that’s a wrap!

2. Could you tell us about some memorable moments or projects that stand out from your journey with EYP?

The EYP journey was so tremendously full of memorable moments that it seems hard for me to pick some; for sure I will never ever forget the feeling of extreme adrenaline floating through my body during the debates at our first National Selection Session. I loved our delegation dearly, I loved the whole concept, I loved the orga team, the venue, it was just perfect and it felt very empowering. No school project could ever give this to us. The second, big memory is our first International Session in Durham 2004, the overwhelming flood of impressions by all the different, enthusiastic and brilliant young people and the beauty of different, European cultures and nationalities, the parties, the thrill of singing in the Euroconcert in the famous Durham Cathedral… Back then I did not plan to become a singer, but this experience was surely a step in that direction.

3. Reflecting on your personal journey, how has EYP changed you as an individual, and what have you learned from this experience?

Oh, I wish I had learned even more from it back then. Besides debating freely in two foreign languages and diving deeper into European Politics, besides organising big events, taking responsibility for quite a handful of people and money, etc. there is so much more to learn. One can learn to understand all kinds of social and professional processes, basically, it can teach you how „real life“ works in many ways. I was a bit too naive for that and only understood it when I started working, wishing I would have learned some lessons back then in EYP times. It is a huge impetus for self-reflection. How you operate in a very diverse group of people. How to find your place in a team. How to shut up when it is time to shut up and how to speak when speaking out is productive. How to be on point. How to not be self-centred. How to understand that you will eventually not only be judged based on your results but also on your behaviour. How to cope with lack of sleep and a lot of stress at the same time. How to deal with frustration. How to understand the way politics can work. The list is endless.

4. As you celebrate your successful career, what message would you like to convey to the current members, alumni, and supporters of EYP? 

Thank you for the past, the present and the future, thank you for the passion and enthusiasm. I would not be the same person without this.

5. Finally, if you had to describe EYP’s journey in three words, what would they be, and why? 

Empowering Young People. I don’t think I have to explain that!

Gloria’s journey is an inspiration for all. We thank her for the time she dedicated to our interview!