July 3, 2023

Rebuilding Ukraine Sustainably: Young Visions from Europe

On Wednesday, July 5th, at 5:00 PM the Rebuild Ukraine Ambassadors will present their policy paper “Towards a Sustainable Reconstruction of Ukraine: Youth Perspectives from Europe” at the premises of the European Commission Representation in Berlin.

Despite the ongoing Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, the efforts to rebuild and revive the nation have already begun, with the international community calling for a “new Marshall Plan of the 21st century” to start the reconstruction of Ukraine. At the same time, there are many different ideas on how this “mammoth task” should be approached.

The European Youth Parliament proudly presents the “Rebuild Ukraine Ambassadors” project. In a six-month process, 20 young Europeans, more than half of whom come from Ukraine themselves, discussed and developed innovative ideas for economic recovery and rapprochement with the European Union, taking into account social and environmental aspects.

On July 5th, we are thrilled to present the policy paper “Towards a Sustainable Reconstruction of Ukraine: Youth Perspectives from Europe” for the first time at the launch event Rebuilding Ukraine Sustainably: Young Visions from Europe in Berlin. We are pleased to welcome distinguished speakers, including Mr Michael Roth, Member of the German Bundestag (SPD) and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee as well as Ms Nataliya Pryhornytska, Co-founder and deputy chairwoman of the Open Platform e.V. / Allianz Ukrainischer Organisationen. Together with our guests, we want to discuss the following and other questions: How should the reconstruction of Ukraine succeed? What dimensions need to be considered in the rebuilding process? What is already being done and how can Europeans support this process? What are the main challenges and possible solutions? At the beginning of the event, Nora Hesse of the Representation of the European Commission in Berlin will give a welcome address, among others.

For further information about the project and its goals, please visit www.eyp.org. and www.schwarzkopf-stiftung.de. For interviews with key figures of the project and this crucial conversation on Ukraine’s future, we invite you to get in touch via communications@eyp.org. The event will take place in German with simultaneous English translation.

About the European Youth Parliament (EYP)
The EYP is a peer-to-peer educational programme that connects youth across borders and provides space for political debate, personal development, and the exchange of ideas. Since 1987, the network has empowered hundreds of thousands of Europeans to be active citizens and currently involves around 25,000 young people from around 40 European countries in its activities every year. The Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe is the umbrella organisation of the EYP.

The “Rebuild Ukraine Ambassadors” programme is part of the Climate Youth Action Plan aimed at encouraging young people across Europe to explore, discuss, and ultimately bring about climate action. It is kindly sponsored by the E.ON Foundation. The event “Rebuilding Ukraine Sustainably: Young Visions from Europe” is supported by the Hertie Foundation and the Lotto Foundation.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.