March 18, 2024

The Media Academy 2024: Exploring the World of Media and Communications

Deep dive into the world of media at our annual Media Academy.

On the 14th to the 17th of March 2024, the EYP International Office hosed the annual Media Academy in Berlin gathering 50 people from all over Europe. This three-day event offered participants an opportunity to delve into the world of media, focusing on enhancing skills in public relations, communication, and other areas vital for their National Committees and events.

Organised annually by seasoned EYP members who have a keen interest in EYP Media and supported by external experts, the Academy features workshops and training modules covering diverse fields in media.

The Media Academy is organized in partnership with Understanding Europe, an educational network by and for young people committed to civic participation and to a democratic and open-minded Europe, by the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe.

This Year’s Focus and Team

This year, the Media Academy emphasized educating youth about the European Elections, aiming to engage young voters and enhance media literacy through a diverse training program. Aligned with the Climate Youth Action Plan (CYAP) in collaboration with Eon Stiftung and the YOUthVOTE project, the event was funded by significant bodies including the European Parliament, the European Union, and the Bertelsmann Foundation, the academy broadens its impact and scope, fostering a holistic approach to media production.

The event was meticulously planned by Julia Waligora and Rostyslav Lisovski. Jovan Borcic and Anna Hakobyan served as input givers and trainers from EYP on the ground. Alexandra Salo, the facilitator of the Young European Multipliers for Climate Action, was part of the weekend as a Trainer, accompanied by Lovisa Skoglund, the editor. As peer educators from Understanding Europe, Georgiana Oltenau and Levon Shoyan, along with our awareness team including Daniela Cappiccio from Understanding Europe and Lena Tschentscher, they were integral to delivering a comprehensive and impactful program.

Educational Endeavors and Collaborative Growth

Organized in partnership with Understanding Europe, the Media Academy operates as a space for education and collaboration. By integrating the CYAP and YOUthVOTE projects into this year’s curriculum, the academy aims to address a variety of perspectives, highlighting the significance of active citizenship and voting with the European Elections coming up in June 2024.

Participants dived into workshops led by experienced EYP members and external experts, covering essential topics such as communication strategies, marketing, and inclusivity in event organization. These sessions are designed to provide practical skills and insights, enabling attendees to make a positive impact within their communities and contribute meaningfully to the broader objectives of the EYP.

In addition, trainees also developed their own media projects in small groups that were published on social media, thus directly putting the newly learned skills and knowledge into action.

A Platform for Future Changemakers

The Media Academy aims to prepare the participants for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, regardless of their career path.

It is an unique opportunity for them to deepen their media and communication understanding, contributing to a more informed, inclusive, and democratic society.

Find out more on the Media Academy here!