The EYP Presidents’ Summit 2024 is happening in Kraków this weekend!
Hosted by EYP Poland with the support of the International Office of the EYP, the event will take place in Kraków, Poland from 19th – 22nd September 2024.
On November 24th 2020, we hosted a discussion event with Anna Daróczi of Phiren Amenca and Young European of the Year Maria Atanasova, focusing on Roma youth health inequities.
We tackled the wider conversation about social determinants of health, and how health issues are often a manifestation of societal and structural disadvantages that affect individuals’ and population quality of life. We explored the link between discrimination and the barriers to health faced by Roma populations and specific strategies to ensure equitable access for Roma, and reflected on how youth activism can play a part in reducing stigmatisation and discrimination and achieving greater inclusion of young Roma.
You will be able to watch the recording of the event here once available.
In preparation for the event, our panellists and moderators gathered some resources that may be relevant for those wanting to familiarise themselves with the topic. We hope you will find these useful!
Access of Roma to sexual and reproductive health services: Qualitative findings from Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia (December 2011)
COVID-19 impact on Roma in Moldova:
COVID-19 impact on Roma in Spain:
MEP calls for Roma communities to be “closed off” during pandemic:
Roma Health Report by European Commission:
Obesity Amongst Roma in Romania:
Page 4: Prevalence of Obesity Amongst Roma in Europe compared to gadje: is a publication coming out after December 10 with 18 inspiring Roma youth empowerment projects
Volunteering: Citizens’ Tool for Roma Participation:
Disclaimer: as of November 24th, these resources were shared by Anna Darózci. Other participants may expand the list with their contributions. This list does not constitute an endorsement from the European Youth Parliament and only reflects the views of those who have contributed.