The EYP in action
Open forum for youth

The European Youth Parliament (EYP) provides a forum for young people to develop and express their opinions on political and societal topics in an open and welcoming environment. Participants of EYP events debate and jointly brainstorm on the possible solutions to a wide range of current challenges, often related to international politics and human rights, but also including such areas as climate change, health, and energy.
Getting together in a spirit of mutual respect and constructive dialogue, young people serve as an inspiring example of how the complex challenges of today’s world can be addressed through peaceful collaboration across national boundaries.
An additional focus of the EYP events and projects is to foster dialogue between young people and leading figures and experts from the world of politics, economics, civil society, and culture. During round tables, discussion events and modules delivered by experts, the youth can exchange with decision-makers on solutions to current challenges, proposed by the EYP community for instance via policy papers and resolutions.
94% of participants felt they learnt to recognise and respect different perspectives during the session they took part in.
Almost all participants acknowledge that after participating in an EYP session they became more confident in expressing their views in front of others.
84% of the participants stated that the EYP helped them improve public speaking skills.
*based on the EYP Impact Assessment 2018-19