October 18, 2023

The 103rd International Session of the EYP will take place in Spain!

Meet the people behind the 104th flagship event of the EYP network, which will take place in Málaga in 2025.

We are thrilled to announce that the upcoming 104th International Session of the European Youth Parliament is set to take place in Málaga, Spain! We sincerely congratulate the National Committee and the volunteers who get to create this special project! We are very happy to introduce to you and share the words of Head-Organisers Patricia Galache González, Lucía Navarro Millara, and Alonso Císcar Taulet.

Dear network! We are thrilled to present Málaga 2025 – 104th International Session of the EYP!

Behind this statement, there is a story, full of motivation, experiences and collaboration, and the desire to organise an IS comes from the union of personal aspiration in the EYP, as well as the trust and confidence in our National Committee. With Málaga 2025, we aim to extrapolate the international value of the city as well as its care for tradition, focusing on the Mediterranean as an epicentre of exchange and cooperation.

The IS will offer young emerging leaders a piece of Andalusian and Spanish culture, as an example of diversity, solidarity and its undeniable spirit of familiarity, which resonates with the “Familia” identity of EYP Spain. We strive to make them part of the process of building a project for youth, for Europe, and for the city of Málaga, where they are in the spotlight.

We are very excited for this session to happen and we hope you join us in this adventure as well.

See you soon!

Check out official channels of EYP Spain for more news and updates!