October 8, 2018

EYP International Session back to Italy after 15 years

The city of Milano will host the EYP International Session in 2020. We have asked the amazing team of young volunteers who will organise the event why they want to spend the next two years preparing the session. Here are some insights they have shared with us.

Can you please tell us a bit more about yourself?

Katerina Mucci: Born and raised in the Eternal City, I am now 21 years old studying Economics up in Milan. I have been an active member of EYP since 2015.
Elena Marro: I am 20 years old and I’m studying diplomacy in Bologna but my heart is in the mountains of my hometown Cuneo. I started EYP in 2014 and have been an active member ever since.
Gloria Cavalieri: Born 20 years ago with the sea in my veins, I now study Economics of Cultural Heritage in Venice. My route led me to EYP in 2016 when a session in a medieval city of central Italy truly changed my life.

Why do you want to spend the next two years organising the EYP International Session?

Katerina, Elena and Gloria:  It is difficult to put into words how thrilled we are to bring the EYP International Session back to Italy after fifteen years! The idea of organising this session grew naturally among us, as a close group of friends, and the idea of shaping such an important moment of connection leads us to reflect firstly on ourselves and on our relationship. What we cherish in EYP are human connections: the opportunity to create and cultivate friendships and companionship and the experience that you get from meeting and connecting with new people who will undoubtedly leave an impact. Also, EYP Italy will benefit from holding such an event in Milan, capital of fashion and business, that will be more than perfect to host eight days of stimulating debates, by promoting new ideas, rethinking traditional approaches and addressing shared challenges at both a regional and international level.

How would you like to shape the Session?

Katerina, Elena and Gloria: We want communication to be the cornerstone of our work as it represents the foundation of all human relationships and plays such a central role in our association. What we hope to bring to the Session is the opportunity to make each new encounter a starting point for discussion, introspection and self development: how the Session is going to be perceived and remembered by participants still has to be written but we are sure that each one of us will find our own meaning in it. Without further ado, we will be working hard in order to make this dream a concrete reality and a shared experience with anyone who will believe in us.


We wish the entire team a wonderful and fruitful time on their way to the EYP International Session in Milano 2020!